Friday, December 18, 2009

Sullivan always enjoys seeing Santa!

After our wonderful Thanksgiving in Mississippi our Christmas festivities began the next week. We started with going back to school and making some fun ornaments that were eventually brought home. Ward was out of town that Thursday night, which is uncommon for him and during the day on Friday. So as you all can imagine those two days were eventful for Sullivan and I. But that Friday we went to the Pink Pig with our friends in the neighborhood. Instead of our usual Cocktails and Crayons that we have at someones home, we went there and rode the pig together. For those of you that don't live in Atlanta, this is a very big deal for the kids here. Most people got to see Santa and then ride the Pink Pig. Sullivan was so excited to ride the Pink Pig and to be with all of his friends. But once we rode it Sullivan decided to be a bit frustrating, but daddy was home shortly after. I was supposed to go to a bar crawl that night, but decided I was too tired to attempt it, but glad that everyone that went had a great time.

On Saturday, Sullivan had a birthday party to go to and it was a princess party. He had fun with his girl and guy friends. Later that evening, we had our Atlanta Family Christmas party at Nicole and Patrick's house. Which was a lot of fun! We had yummy food, great friends (Ashley & Matt, us, & Nicole & Patrick), and of course football games on the TV. Ashley & Matt gave Nicole & I something similar to snuggies, but we ca
lled them our Neiman Marcus snuggies. We have both used them and love them, sometimes Bailey tries to fight me for mine. We all had a great time and stay
ed out and up too late, but it was worth it.

On Sunday, we had another birthday party. This one was for our old pal Jack and we got to see a lot of friends that Sullivan nor I had seen in a while. It was at this place called Therafun Sensations and it was a really neat place. They had a zip line which Sullivan the daredevil of course rode several times. When you got to the end of the zip you drop off into a big pool of balls. After all the fun was had, we went home and Sullivan took a nap while I got the house ready to get a tree. We got our tree that night, but Sullivan was in a bad mood so he went to sleep while I put on the lights and decorated. We ended up decorating the tree the next night somewhat with Sullivan's help.
We took Sullivan to see Santa at Lenox Mall, which is always the same Santa. Sullivan knows him everytime and he always recognizes Sullivan. He always mentions his beautiful blue eyes. This year Sullivan was in line behind two different groups that cried profusely when they got near Santa and when their parents saw how Sullivan just ran up there and gave him a hug and climbed on his lap and said "Merry Christmas Santa!" They couldn't believe it and called him a pro, but in reality he isn't scared of much so that was no surprise to me. Then he proceeded to tell Santa what he wanted and smiled for his photo. Hope you guys enjoy the pictures! Have a great Holiday!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving was fun!

Hi Everyone! I sure hope that Thanksgiving was as yummy and wonderful as ours was for us. We went home to Mississippi on Wednesday morning. We went to my mom's first. Ward and I got to spend time with Bo and Alice on Wednesday night. We were so glad since we haven't been able to hang out with them in a while. It is always wonderful to see good friends from home. We had Thanksgiving lunch at my Aunt Mary's house on Thursday and the kids had so much fun. After lunch and dessert they went outside to play with the bikes and all grandparents went out there with them. It was very cute and unfortunately I didn't get a picture of it. Later that evening Neil and Holly came over to visit. They had spent the day with Holly's family, which was all in town and that doesn't happen that often. Neil & Holly have two dogs and they brought them over too, which Sullivan had a blast playing with also. We had a great time with my family, unfortunately we didn't get to see my dad because I was still really having some morning sickness. But we will see him soon.

On Friday morning we left for Corinth to go to Wakomis with the Stuckey and Williams family. We always enjoy going from the big city to the woods and the simple life with our family. The kids went on a nature walk with Nana, Pop, and Ward on Saturday.

Ward and I hadthought we were going to make it to the State vs. Ole Miss game, but he had been fighting a really bad sinus infection so I decided he didn't need to go and we stayed in Corinth. The game was fantastic and we are so proud of our Bulldogs who are doing well with our new Coach. Rebekah, and Edi's husband, Ken went to the game and even though they are Ole Miss fans they still had a good time. We were glad to hear that they enjoyed the beautiful campus that State has been constantly updating over the past few years.
We worked on 2 puzzles and finished them, which is always fun. Especially when they are as hard as they were this year, but it is mainly Edi and I who do them with some help from time to time from Nana, Ward, or one of the kids. Here are a few pictures. Have a good one and I will update again soon.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Halloween, Ashley & Matt's wedding & big news!

Sorry that I have gotten a little behind on blogging. We had a pumpkin decorating party at our house with our neighbor friends Henry, Eli, and Alan Jr. Mr. Alan brought Alan Jr. over because his mommy got stuck in traffic. So the boys crowded around him as he read 5 little pumpkins. All the moms and kids had fun. We went to Mississippi for a week, so Sullivan and I spent Halloween there. This was the first Halloween that Ward hasn't spent with him since he was born so I know it was hard for him to be in Atlanta while we were in Brandon. Sullivan dressed up as a dinosaur, but his costume was a little small for him, which is very different for him. But it worked out and we had fun. We (my mom and I) took him trick or treating to a few houses in her neighborhood and then off we went to see Maudie and help her hand out candy. Sullivan had been battling a cough so I didn't want to get him outside in the cold air too much. He didn't even get to go to his school party because of his cough was so bad and he felt terrible. But on Halloween night he would run to the door everytime the doorbell rang at Maudie's house and would wave at the trick or treater's until we opened the door. He loves to play with Maudie's great dane Lucy, who I call the gentle giant. There are some cute pictures of Lucy and Sullivan that I took that night.

We went to Mississippi for the week because my friend Ashley Cordua and her fiance Matt had there wedding last Saturday. It was very beautiful and we all had a great time. There are some pictures of Sullivan with Nicole & Patrick, Ward & I, and of course the bride. He had so much fun dancing and running around the reception.

And last but not least we have some big news. Sullivan is going to be a big brother in June. Now if I just knew how to explain it to him. We are very excited and look forward to updating everyone on how things are going. Also, once the loan is done we are going to add on to our house. Hopefully that will get underway and finished by June 13th. Enjoy all the pictures and enjoy the beautiful fall weather. More to come later.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wow! Those are huge pumpkins!

Jumping on the jumpy with Henry!
Last weekend was so full for us! We had a soccer game that day at noon which is no fun with a
bunch of 3 year old kids. (Lots of crying was happening) Then we had our neighborhood October Fest, which was a blast for the grown ups and kids. That
evening Ward and I went to a wedding reception for one of Ward's colleagues. Oh and on Sunday I got a new car that I hope doesn't get crushed. I got an used Expedition that is white with tan at the bottom. Thank You Ward! The week went by and we made it to the weekend without too many hiccups.

getting his face painted!
kicking the ball before his goal!

Well, this past weekend Sullivan actually made a goal for his team in the right goal! He was so proud of himself! On Saturday afternoon we went and ordered a new mattress to finally replace the one that got ruined during our disaster. On sunday after lunch we decided to go up to Burt's farm and get pumpkins. We had a great time and I got some great pictures. Sullivan fell asleep
when were still the car line to park, but he did good with really no nap. He loved running thru the pumpkins and climbing on them. It was a lot of fun for all!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

There's no crying in soccer!!!

Last Saturday, Sullivan had his first soccer game. He is the youngest one on the team and the one of the only kids that didn't cry (there was one other kid that didn't cry named Jack and he was a good soccer player). Sullivan did pout once or twice, but that was because he wanted to keep playing and they could only have 3 in at a time. The coach (one of them) was walking around helping coach with his daughter in his arms while she cried the whole time. It was a sight to see. Sullivan would have made about 8 goals if he had realized what the goal was for exactly. So we plan to buy a little goal so that he can practice his goals. Maybe he will make one this weekend. Here are some pictures of him playing at his game. He definitely has his daddy's talent.
Oh and when we were at Chuck E Cheese the night before someone approached me about sending Sullivan to a daycare for low income families, where she worked. I told her how I appreciated it, but I was a stay at home mom and that he goes to school 3 days a week. The reason I mention this is, as we were pulling up to the soccer fields on Saturday . There were Porsche Cayenes, Mercedes & Lexus SUVs, sport cars, etc. and all I could think was poor Sullivan he really is in the low income family here. Needless to say, Ward and I were laughing about it. We were so proud of our baby boy even if he isn't a baby anymore. That is all for now.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rain, Rain, please go away and don't come back again!!!

Well, we have spent the night at the house for one night. The tree has been removed from the car and hauled away. They started on the tree on Wednesday afternoon at around 3:45 and it was all almost gone by 6:00 that night. It is amazing how quickly they can remove those things. So I decided to call all the neighborhood little boys that live on the street that Sullivan plays with, to come and watch them work. For young boys, that is like the best thing in the world to watch. Boys love machines and we had men here working with chainsaws and driving bobcat, it was so awesome to them. I have a picture of them of all standing around watching.

I have a few pictures of the car without the tree and some other tree stuff that I will try to put up. We have really had such a crazy week, because this happened on Monday, Thursday my mom had to got the hospital because she wasn't feeling well after taking the flu shot and she had to stay over night, then on friday was Sullivan's 3rd birthday and I had to take cupcakes to his school. Because of the birthday we decided to forget everything else and let him have a good night. And since my mom is fine just needs to rest and take better care of herself, we went to Chuck E Cheese with our Atlanta family. Our Atlanta family consists of Sullivan, Ward, & I, Nicole & Patrick Brien, and Ashley Cordua & her fiance, Matt Stafford. We have so much fun & the birthday boy loved it. It was his first time to go there.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers for us. We are doing well and glad to be home without any problems. We are so blessed to have the friends and neighbors we have nad we can't thank the Brien's (nicole & patrick) enough for letting us stay. That's all for now. Hope you enjoy all the pictures!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Daddy pick up that tree off Momma's car!"

Ward, Sullivan, Bailey, and I have had such an experience in the past two days. While Sullivan and I were napping yesterday (keep in mind that it had been raining for almost 2 weeks straight) a extremely old pine tree decided to fall on my car. My car has been flattened under a sixty year old pine and there is no way it will come out from this alive. The tree mainly hit my car, but it did pierce the roof and water proceeded to flow into my house. We are blessed with our neighbors and neighborhood because a friend from down the street happened to call. So of course I told her what had happened and the next thing I know there are a group of men at the end of my driveway waiting to help. Luckily Ward had been homw about 15-20 minutes, so he was ready for the help. We are truly lucky to have friends that live here, so we are the REFUGEES in Roswell with Nicole and Patrick Brien. So we have been having a slumber party at Coco & Bobo 's house (that is what Sullivan calls them).

Today, we got some estimates on Tree removal and finally got the ok from our insurance people to have the tree removed. I have gotten a rental car, which is an Expedition, I was wondering if I would like it so here is my chance to find out. I am going to share a few pictures with you guys. Talk to you all soon and please pray for us that this will all work out smoothly.