Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Around the state we drove and back to Atlanta again!

Sullivan at his school Christmas party

We went to Mississippi for Christmas (of course!) and we were on the road a lot. But we did enjoy all our travels and seeing our family. First we were in Brandon with my mom and on Christmas Eve we went to my Aunt Mary & Uncle Loyd's house for our family Christmas, we were glad to add a new face to the family dinner, Neil's girlfriend Holly. Sullivan had the best time playing with his cousins Addie & Mary Grace after dinner. Addie & Sullivan were climbing in a box and having a blast doing it. Mary Grace lost a tooth right as we started to eat dinner so she was supposed to have Santa & the Tooth Fairy visit her that night. What a night for her! My mom hit a deer that night and we thought it was minor damage, but no such luck it was definitely major damage. Luckily no one was hurt! After we got home that night we got Sullivan ready for bed in his jammies. Then we opened our gifts from each other. We do it the night before to cut down on the rushing around the next morning and it always turns out well. Sullivan set out cookies for Santa and a lot of celery for the reindeer (we were out of carrots, but the reindeer loved the celery). He then went to sleep.

On Christmas morning we got up to see what Santa had brought Sullivan. Uncle Neil, me, Ward, Holly, and Gramme all got up with Sullivan to enjoy this Christmas morning. Maudie and Mike even came over to share in the excitement! The reindeer ate all the celery and Santa ate almost all of the cookies. Sullivan played with all of his toys and with Neil and Holly's dogs all morning then we were off to Grandy's house to have Christmas dinner with the Monsour family. When we got there Grandy was hobbling around because he is having trouble with his knee. So Sullivan was so sympathetic about Grandy's knee that he blew a kiss to it. (to make it feel better) Sullivan was given the one truck he kept saying he needed every time he saw the commercial, so he was very excited. Sullivan had the best time with his cousin Meredith on the Monsour side of the family, he kept hiding from her and let her try to find him. She had been learning to walk to it was very fun for her too. Meredith and Uncle Bill had a fun time hanging out. Sullivan doesn't stop long enough to be held sometimes. We really enjoyed our Christmas evening dinner with everyone!

The day after Christmas we went to Greenwood to spend Christmas with the Stuckey family. We all came in that day so it was a lot of fun from the moment we got there. When Alan, Kristi, and baby Meredith got there, Meredith was asleep. So when that poor sweet girl woke up, she had just faces staring at her when she woke. But she did fine despite all the inquiring faces. After we all got settled and Meredith ate we sat down for presents which was a lot of fun. There is nothing more exciting to me than to see someone open a gift I have picked out for them and the smile on their face. Ward's mom had an awesome painting done of him and Bailey. We put it up in the house and have gotten so many compliments. We had dinner that night with the other Stuckeys and Berta stopped by too. Wally, Josh and Hunter's new wife Natalia came over for dinner with all of us. We were so glad to meet Natalia since we haven't had a chance to meet her. We all haven't been home at the same time. We truly enjoyed meeting her and spending time with the family. Berta is Alberta who helped raise Ward, Edi, and Alan and the Stainback family, which are Ward's cousins. We love when she stops by at Christmas because unfortunately we don't see her enough. She is hilarious! Once Ward told that she looked great, and she replied "oh it's just this wig!" We were cracking up. We saw the Stainback cousins the next day for Sunday lunch at nana's house and the kids had so much fun playing. And of course they all had a blast playing at William & Hayes' house. Sullivan had a blast with nana, pop, all his cousins, and is still asking to go to William's house (Cousin Meredith's son) and to see his cousin Rachel and Big Emma (I have no idea why he calls her that!). We enjoyed spending time with everyone and can't wait to get back together with them. Hope you enjoyed our long Holiday story. I also hope everyone had a great holiday!!

Look to the left in this picture and you can see the baby pooch. Right at 4 months along. Not sure if Ward or Beth got this picture, but I thought it showed it well.