Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jack Brooks Stuckey has arrived!!!!

Jack Brooks Stuckey arrived on June 15th at 8:09 pm. He weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. 20.5 inches. Sullivan has truly enjoyed becoming a big brother. We were lucky to have both Nana & Gramme to stay for a week to help out. We had Nana and Pop here when Jack was born and Gramme too. Then Nana and Pop had to go home and Gramme stayed with us for a week and during that time Grandy and Kay came to visit. While Jack and I were in the hospital Sullivan had camp at school and the theme was Beach. It was a great distraction for him since he would have been bored at the hospital. Here are some pictures from the passed couple of weeks.

There are some pictures of us playing at the pool with Coco & Bobo, playing at the airport park, playing in our pool, and getting our new Zhu Zhu pet stuck in our hair. We have also had visits from our friends Tori & Bryan Johnston who are expecting in November (we are soo excited for them) and our friend Keith that lives here. We have had many other visitors, but I didn't get pictures with those friends. But we have truly been blessed with great friends, family, and now 2 beautiful boys. I hope you enjoy the pictures.