Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sorry that I am a bit behind on the blog but I will catch up soon. One Friday in February we had such a great snow. It was the best snow day we have had yet. Sullivan was so excited when it really started coming down that he couldn't sleep for his nap so I just rested and let him watch it snow for a little while. Then we went outside to play with our neighbor across the street, Jason and our other friend, Keith. We had a blast and Ward came home during that time so we all go to play and have so much fun. When Ward got home he came straight over to play and then went in to get Bailey and to change into something warmer. We had a blast and Sullivan couldn't get enough snow to play with until he started to get cold. After we watched Jason make a giant snowman, Keith showing Sullivan how to make a snow angel, and then we went down the street when we saw Eli to play for a bit, we went in for hot chocolate. We put dry clothes on Sullivan and I got ready to head to the grocery for a few things that we needed. Later that night Ward went across the street to hang out for a while and Sullivan finally settled down enough to go to sleep. A fun day was had by all and everyone slept well. There are a good bit of pictures in this slide show, but there were so many to choose from between Keith pictures and my pictures. Enjoy!

The next morning Ward, Sullivan, Bailey, and I went out to play again. We saw Memom and Mr. Alan outside. Then Ward and Sullivan built a snowman. But my favorite picture is the one below of just Sullivan holding a snowball. After our snow started to melt and go away Sullivan would watch everyday to see if his snowman was completely melted away. Enjoy the rest of the pictures! I hope you all got to enjoy your snow day
if you had one.