Monday, October 12, 2009

Wow! Those are huge pumpkins!

Jumping on the jumpy with Henry!
Last weekend was so full for us! We had a soccer game that day at noon which is no fun with a
bunch of 3 year old kids. (Lots of crying was happening) Then we had our neighborhood October Fest, which was a blast for the grown ups and kids. That
evening Ward and I went to a wedding reception for one of Ward's colleagues. Oh and on Sunday I got a new car that I hope doesn't get crushed. I got an used Expedition that is white with tan at the bottom. Thank You Ward! The week went by and we made it to the weekend without too many hiccups.

getting his face painted!
kicking the ball before his goal!

Well, this past weekend Sullivan actually made a goal for his team in the right goal! He was so proud of himself! On Saturday afternoon we went and ordered a new mattress to finally replace the one that got ruined during our disaster. On sunday after lunch we decided to go up to Burt's farm and get pumpkins. We had a great time and I got some great pictures. Sullivan fell asleep
when were still the car line to park, but he did good with really no nap. He loved running thru the pumpkins and climbing on them. It was a lot of fun for all!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

There's no crying in soccer!!!

Last Saturday, Sullivan had his first soccer game. He is the youngest one on the team and the one of the only kids that didn't cry (there was one other kid that didn't cry named Jack and he was a good soccer player). Sullivan did pout once or twice, but that was because he wanted to keep playing and they could only have 3 in at a time. The coach (one of them) was walking around helping coach with his daughter in his arms while she cried the whole time. It was a sight to see. Sullivan would have made about 8 goals if he had realized what the goal was for exactly. So we plan to buy a little goal so that he can practice his goals. Maybe he will make one this weekend. Here are some pictures of him playing at his game. He definitely has his daddy's talent.
Oh and when we were at Chuck E Cheese the night before someone approached me about sending Sullivan to a daycare for low income families, where she worked. I told her how I appreciated it, but I was a stay at home mom and that he goes to school 3 days a week. The reason I mention this is, as we were pulling up to the soccer fields on Saturday . There were Porsche Cayenes, Mercedes & Lexus SUVs, sport cars, etc. and all I could think was poor Sullivan he really is in the low income family here. Needless to say, Ward and I were laughing about it. We were so proud of our baby boy even if he isn't a baby anymore. That is all for now.